The last few days I have been feeling a bit lethargic and achy. I work out almost every day, never less than 6 days per week and I feel like my body is saying 'enough already take a break!' The problem is, I get scared that if I have a day off, I will like doing nothing and then find it hard to get back into it again.
Then Saturday rolls along and I wake up, it's 8:30am, plenty of time to get a work out in before it gets too hot, and I go to lift myself out of bed and it's hard, really hard, my body is so tired even though I've just had 8 hours of blissful sleep. No matter what I try, I can't seem to get it together, so I just have a day off and I tell you what, I felt great the next morning!
So Sunday morning comes along and I am feeling fighting fit and away I go. That night however, sleep does not arrive very easily and I am up four times in the night to go to the loo because I've started drinking my water again. Come Monday, I can't seem to manage moving again, crap! But you know what I did? I am so determined and so focused to getting this fat off my body that I walked my daughter to school with thoughts all the way there of not going for my 8km walk, then I leave through the school gates and tell myself I have to do it, I have to go, I have no choice and so I go and I sweat and I pray for rain which does not come. It's 31 degrees of baking heat beating down on my already weary body and I struggle, but I keep moving because why? because I am focused on the result, I need to get this weight off, I need a better life, I need to take control and even though there are really tough days, I have to push through and fight!
Today I feel a lot better and I realise that I need to take a break in the week to recharge and give my body a well earned rest. I used to go to bed at a crazy time, 2am but now I turn off my computer at 10.30pm, read and zone out for an hour then hop into bed at 11.30pm. I'm still not used to it, I still have good nights and bad nights, but the good nights are now outweighing the bad ones and I feel a lot better, more relaxed and best of all happy :)
Barbs xx
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