Wednesday, 23 October 2013

The old me vs the new me!

Last week I posted photographs of me last year versus me today on Facebook and wow the difference is huge! So here are the pics.

I look at my before pictures and want to cry, I look revolting! When I say that I was sumo sized, I really was it was awful. Back then I had list of ailments that were crippling me and my quality of life was basically well....I didn't have a life!

I had:
- borderline diabetes (taking metformin)
- trouble breathing in my sleep
- bad eczema
- acne
- achilles tendon issues
- plantar fasciitis
- sciatic nerve problems
- numbness in my hands
- radical mood swings
- and an intense feeling of wanting to die and that my life was over!

These days, aside from getting annoyed by things such as stupid posts on Facebook, people not returning messages, towels left on the floor, paint spilled on the carpet, and my daughter saying a curse word here and there, there is NOTHING wrong with me. I take NO MEDS, I eat loads of fresh food, I don't scarf down meat much any more, I move my butt every single day and I feel fantastic!

BUT: I need to get to my goal and I will get there :)

Barbs xx

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