I should've started this blog 13 weeks ago when I started my new lifestyle, but I wanted to make sure that I was going to definitely stick it out and I'm very pleased to say that I am doing way better than I ever expected.
But first, a back story....
I have been fat all my life, no that's a lie, at birth I weighed a tiny 6lbs, then after shooting out of my mother's birth canal I rapidly put on weight until at age 27 I hit my all time high of a massive 152kg! (334.4lbs). I would've frightened a team of sumo wrestlers I was so large! I couldn't fit shoes, barely fit clothes and always felt revolting. A year later aged 28 my then boyfriend and I moved into a two storied house and there began my nightmare of having to negotiate stairs on a daily basis, I was terrified I would fall and roly poly down the stairs, yeah, it wasn't a pretty sight. Later that year my aunt saw me, the first time in a long time and to my horror, she started crying and said to me "I don't want you to die", that was a pivotal moment in my pursuit to getting healthy. I forced myself to look in the mirror and see exactly what was really there, and I didn't like it, what stared straight back at me was a depressed young mother, dying for a new life but killing herself instead. That year I lost 20kg (44lbs).
Two years later the weight hadn't budged much, I went on a rollercoaster of lose, gain, lose, gain, and never really got under 125kg (275lbs), I was frustrated and tired most of the time. At the time I was working in television which meant working mostly nights and with a day that went: 6am drop then boyfriend off at work, look after Havana until 2pm, drop her off at daycare, go to work and finally get to bed at 1am, it's no wonder the weight loss took a back seat. I was constantly lethargic and to stay awake at work, I would gulp down energy drinks and coffee! Then I got offered work at the Sydney Olympic Games working on the yachting coverage and that spurred me on to lose 10kg (22lbs) because there was no way in hell I wasn't going to fit a uniform! While I was there my then boyfriend was made redundant so as a joke I said "let's move to Sydney" and seven months later, we did.
Four years later in 2004 still hovering at around 130kg (286lbs), we moved back to NZ and the end of my relationship gave me a new life as a solo mum and the loss of another 15kg. Another few years later, another daughter now aged 6yrs, a move to another city and yes you guessed it, another weight gain!
So fast forward to 13 weeks ago, weighing in at a staggering 136kg (299lbs), I was reading Fifty Shades of Grey, I couldn't put that book down, I was completely taken by it so much so that I didn't bother with eating some meals just so that I could read my book! I was addicted to something else for a change, then two days later I got the second book and three days later, the third book. Once I had finished the third book I decided to weigh myself and OMG, I had dropped 2kg (4.4lbs)! I was never hungry in fact I felt strangely contented, could it be that I was so intrigued by BDSM and that I wanted to learn more? Actually it was the love story, how I yearn for a story like that, minus the whips, giant wooden cross and genital clamps!
So I devised a plan, a plan to divert my attention from food to other things. I got onto the net and researched for hours and hours into different ways to eat for optimum health and then one day I saw an interview with Miranda Kerr and noticed how amazing her skin and hair was, I'm sure a lot of it is down to some super special genetics but I was curious to find out what else she did to keep herself in great shape. She consumes nothing but organic food, drinks noni juice and follows a clean eating regime. Armed with this new information I began to get excited about my new lifestyle, my first week I weaned off bread, a huge weakness of mine, the second week was weaning off sugar, another drug of choice and then by the fourth week I was ready to tackle some sort of exercise regime but I was dragging my heels because for about six months, I had a really painful achilles tendon after having an accident. I mentioned this injury in a post on facebook one day and a friend of mine (very wise) said "no excuses!" and so I thought about it, thought he was a cheeky bugger and decided he was right, even the smallest amount of movement is still better than nothing at all. So the next day I did my first workout, nearly died from the effort and only managed 3km, BUT I felt like I'd discovered a money tree growing in the back yard, I was completely knackered, my achilles was killing me but I felt absolutely over the moon that I'd done it!
So there is my little story and now it's onwards and downwards from here! I currently weigh 117.7kg (258.9lbs) and have lost enough pounds of butter to stock a small grocery store! Oh happy days :)