Kathmandu is one of my favourite outdoor gear stores, they have the BEST jackets, packs, tents you name it, if it's outdoor gear you need, they have it, and yes even toilet tents!
So anyway we go into the store and she walks right over to the where the shoes are placed, grabs a pair and asks the sales guy to get them in my size, which happens to be size never mind, tall woman = big feet! Anyway he comes back and there are none in my size the biggest being a size 7 so I had to opt for a pair of men's in exactly the same style except red and black and thank goodness they had a pair to fit!
These shoes, I kid you not are VERY comfortable, at first they felt stiff because there is a metal sheath inside for stability, after all, they are a hiking shoe, but after a few 7km brisk walks, they feel great! They are 100% waterproof and glow in the dark so motorists can see you if you are out at night walking along a busy road like an idiot!
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