Sunday, 28 October 2012

Dealing with small losses

Today I hit a snag, I had the lowest weight loss I've ever had since I started this new lifestyle. I lost almost 1 pound. For a split second I thought DAMMIT! but then very quickly I decided that there are worse things such as that 1 pound being a gain instead and landing in a comfy spot on my ass.

When you work your butt off as much as I do small losses can be a real challenge, but you have to remember that there are certain factors besides food and exercise that can change your results week to week. So I grabbed a pen and paper (something I don't do very often thanks to technology) and I wrote down what I could've possibly done to alter my successful record of weight loss.

1. I was sick during the week
2. I missed working out for two days so I only got in five workouts (I usually do 6-7 per week)
3. I noticed that I hadn't been drinking enough water, so I made a conscious effort to get in 2 litres per day
4. I ate a friggin bag of salty Uppercuts chips and no, not the small bag!
5. I didn't eat enough on a couple of days
6. I never get enough protein

Taking a look at the list above and after a wee bit of research, any of the above can alter my progress, however it is not the end of the world, but I could've done without the chips!

So this week, I will be addressing my protein intake and keep on drowning myself with water until I can get my water levels in the balance again and with the weather getting warmer here, it's very important to keep drinking and staying hydrated :)

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