Weight loss challenges can be hard especially when you follow a challenge that is not for you and this is why I have come up with a plan that suits me and I know I can handle. During the last challenge I completed it became apparent that bread and sugar are my weight gainers! I tend to gain weight quickly whenever I eat fresh baked goods so, out the door they go along with every other nasty that I like such as all junk food and anything fried..... sob, sob!
Every day for the next six weeks, I shall be writing what I ate and how I spent that energy through movement. This will enable me to keep track of what works and what doesn't and then hopefully once and for all I will end up with my magic formula because let's face it, we are all different, there is no magic one way solution for everyone, well that's what I think anyway!
So here's the deal, for the next 6 weeks, I will do the following:
1) No sugar - except what already exists in fruit and yoghurt
2) No bread, no yeast products, no crackers, no baked goods NONE!
3) No treat days - it's only 6 weeks, it's not going to kill me!
4) Exercise at least 5 days a week, I will most likely do 6
5) Weigh in once a week, measure once every 3 weeks
6) 7-8 hrs sleep - this is a toughie for me!
7) At least 10 glasses of water per day!
8) Portion control! I hate doing this but I am going to weigh all my food!
9) No alcohol!
10) 6 small meals per day, incl. 2 green smoothies, 1 protein shake, 70% raw diet and reduced meat consumption (no more than 3 days per week)
There you have it, just 10 little rules to success
So here's to tomorrow the start of Day 1 and finally, a video!
Barbs xx
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