Monday, 29 April 2013

Holiday over, it's back to business!

Gisborne sits on the East Coast of the North Island of New Zealand, it has a warm almost tropical climate, pristine beaches and feijoas in abundance and boy did I take advantage of savouring the delectable sweet fruit!

I was able to spend some time with friends who I haven't seen in quite some time and of course my family and them not having laid eyes on me in a while were shocked to see my smaller figure. It was the most uplifting experience to see their excitement for me and it made me feel like all the hard slog is absolutely worth it!

One of my gorgeous friends Saina is also on a weight loss journey and told me about a woman who was quite large but then was in a car accident and packed on so much weight that she ended up being over 200kg! (440lb). She ended up in a wheelchair and needs surgery to correct her spine but operating on a person so large is very dangerous so she went on a weight loss mission and has lost over 100kg from her wheelchair! She exercised every day and even wheeled her wheelchair backwards up Kaiti Hill which is very steep and full of tight turns! Now that really does giving meaning to NO EXCUSES!!!!

Well I am back into it again starting this evening with a 5km and I am so pleased to say that I am once again 100% off bread and sugar! Life is great, I feel fantastic!!!

Barbs xx

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