Thursday, 25 April 2013

Back in the Land of Feijoas

I apologise for taking a while between posts but I have been frantically busy trying to get my assignments done before coming to my hometown for my sister's birthday.

I am currently in the land of fruit trees galore! My parents have tangelos, grapefruit, & lemons and they're fantastic! A friend of hers at work gave her loads of feijoas and I am in heaven! Feijoas, also known as pineapple guava in South America, are a delectable sweet fruit. They're green on the outside and you cut them open, scoop out the flesh and throw them in your gob! I can eat and eat them but, too much of an indulgence will have you racing to the loo! Feijoa trees are abundant in New Zealand and yet, to buy them in the supermarket costs a fortune! $7.99 per kg, it's outrageous, so as you can imagine, I am getting my fix while I am here :)

As far as the weight loss goes, I am sitting at 108kg (237.6lb) and will not be weighing again until May 31st for two reasons:
  1. I am addicted to the scale, I will get on and off that thing three times a day given the chance so I need to stop doing that.
  2. I can't weigh myself anyway because the batteries in my scale are dead .... yay!!
Well that's it from me for now, I hope you are all having a fabulous week and are getting your burn on!

Barbs xx

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